June 2023 - Recognized as an Employer of Diversity

Bulk Carriers
Bulk Carriers
August 21, 2024
June 2023 -  Recognized as an Employer of Diversity

Diversity and inclusion are absolutely essential for organizations to thrive in today's cutthroat business landscape. With a diverse workforce comes a plethora of unique perspectives and experiences, which translates into heightened creativity and problem-solving abilities. Furthermore, when organizations cultivate an inclusive workplace culture, they demonstrate that all employees are valued and respected, resulting in increased engagement and retention rates.At Bulk Carriers, we are wholly committed to overcoming unconscious bias and promoting a culture of inclusivity throughout our workplace. By embracing diversity, we are confident that we can enhance productivity and profitability, while simultaneously attracting and retaining the most talented individuals.

In June2023, the Atlantic Business Magazine named Bulk Carriers (P.E.I.) Limited oneof Atlantic Canada’s 2023 Employers of Diversity.  We continue to be committed to having ourteam members feel valued, respected and supported.  

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